Worship September 12, 2021; the Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Proper 19)


                                                                            * Those willing and able please stand

Prelude: ~ Steve LaFollette

Singing Bowl and Lighting the Christ Candle

* Call to Worship 

Look at the heavens!

They are shouting the glory of God.

The days and the nights declare the magnificence of God’s creative works.

Their voice goes through all the earth and their words reach the ends of the world.

Let our words of praise be acceptable to you.

Our Lord, our rock, our redeemer!

Let us pray together:

* Prayer of the Day    

It says in the Bible, O God, that you created the world through your Word. Your Word is powerful! And so are our words. They can heal, create a smile, be a declaration of love; but they can also hurt and destroy a sense of self-worth. Give us your wisdom, God of the Word, so that as a church and as individuals, we use our words to build up and not to destroy. Amen.

* Hymn or Song of Praise GTG # 693, PH #335: “Though I May Speak”

* Invitation to Healing

Let us use our voices to declare those things we have said and done that have separated us from God, and from one another, that we may experience God’s mercy and receive God’s forgiveness.

* Prayer of Wholeness

You have called us, O God, and we have refused to listen; you have stretched out your hand and we have not taken it. We have taken what you have given us and used those gifts to hurt others, ourselves, and even to defy you. We have refused to be tamed by your wisdom. Forgive our inability to recognize you and live out the reality of your gospel. Give us the insight we need to understand. Your place in our lives so that our words and actions reflect the glory of God in the lives of others. In the name of the Messiah we pray, Amen.

* Assurance of God’s Presence and Passing of the Peace

Friends, believe this Good News: God is One and God is Three – Love constantly flowing in, out, and through; the gift of Jesus Christ for me and for you. For this we say: Thanks be to God!

Since God has loved us through Christ, let us love one another. Please share a sign of peace with those with whom you are worshiping.

Celebrating Joys: Where We Have Seen God at Work

Community Announcements


Prayer of Illumination:

Let the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable to you, O Lord. Be our Rock and our Redeemer. Amen.

Hebrew Scripture Reading: Psalm 19:1-14

 “The Word of the Lord” “Thanks be to God”

Epistle Reading: James 3:1-12

“The Word of the Lord” “Thanks be to God”

Gospel Reading: Mark 8:27-38

“The Gospel of the Lord” “Praise to you O Christ”

Reflection: TL 9-12-2021 Legacy Perspectives ~ Pastor Scott


* Hymn: GTG #718, PH #393 “Take Up Your Cross, the Savior Said”

* Affirmation of Faith: Adapted from the Confession of 1967

Life is a gift to be received with gratitude and a task to be pursued with courage.  People are free to seek life within the purpose of God: to develop and protect the resources of nature for the common welfare, to work for justice and peace in society, and in other ways to use their creative powers for the fulfillment of human life.

Intercessory Prayers of the People

Call and response: “Lord, in your mercy:” “Hear our prayers.”

Minute for Mission – A Season of Peace

Invitation to Present our Offerings

God has given us the sun and made us stewards of all creation. God has given us our lives and our very beings. Let us give to God, from what God has given us.

Offertory: ~ Steve LaFollette

*Doxology GTG #606, PH #592 Using text below

Praise God from whom all blessing flow!

Praise Christ all creatures here below!

Praise Holy Spirit evermore!

Praise Triune God whom we adore!  Amen!

* Prayer of Thanksgiving/Dedication

God of wisdom may this offering serve as a powerful witness to this world in need. Guide us as we administer the gifts that you have given us for the building of your kingdom. In Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.

* The Lord’s Prayer “…debts…debtors…”


* Closing Hymn: GTG #826, PH #371 “Lift High the Cross”

* Charge

When people ask, “Who is this Jesus?” do not be ashamed of the gospel; share with them that he loved the world so much that he lived for us, suffered for us, died for us, and rose again for us, and invited them to follow him.

* Blessing

“Deep peace be with you…”

         Friends, this worship has ended, let our service begin!

* Congregational Song: “Let There Be Peace on Earth”

* Postlude ~ Steve LaFollette

Questions for Reflection

How do you seek God’s wisdom in your life?  What are the signs and symbols of God’s presence that surround your everyday life?

Household Prayer: Morning

Lord Jesus, as I open my eyes this day, I can see the heavens that tell of your glory. Allow me to be part of this creation that proclaims your handiwork and your real presence in the world. Amen.

Household Prayer: Evening

Lord, as the day winds down, allow me to find satisfaction in the thought that I have taken my cross and followed you. Allow me to find rest in the knowledge that I did not act as if I was ashamed of you. And if I failed you, forgive me and allow me to find solace in the new mercies of the morning. Amen.

About Scottrick

Parent ~ Pastor ~ Poet ~ Author
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